Dr. Tom Padilla, PT, DPT, CSCS | Bestselling Author | Podcast Host

PT Practitioner Testimonials

Insights and experiences From practitioners

Dr. Jerry Yoo

Founder, CEO | Next Level Physio

“If you’ve been struggling as a clinician to help clients with low back pain get back to what they love to do, keep reading…”

“As 20+ year practicing clinician, I’ve used many different types of treatment tactics and strategies from dry needling, manual therapy, modalities, exercises to help my clients overcome low back pain.

And, while I’ve had great success, for my clients who have been suffering from very chronic low back pain and have tried everything from pills, injections, ablation, surgery, chiro, and PT, it would often take several weeks and even months to get an initial improvement in pain and basic ADLs or results that would actually “stick.” I didn’t feel like we were moving the needle very much with this population.

But, after learning the PHIX framework and principles created by Dr. Tom Padilla, I have seen dramatic improvements in my low back pain outcomes and fast results. One of my favorite testimonials came from a recent patient who went to the ER due to one of his acute on chronic episodes and was referred by an ER physician to come see us for the IE the next day.

I even had to conduct the interview while he was painfully lying down on my table. As we talked, I felt confident we could help him, and we even talked about getting him back to golf within a few weeks. He laughed because he couldn’t even stand or sit for more than a few minutes.

After applying the PHIX approach, he had immediate results that same day. Fast forward 6 sessions, and he was already back to chipping and putting (let alone bathing, standing, sitting, gardening, independently), and after 2 more sessions, back to playing golf with his wife and even doing burpees without pain.

Thanks to using the systematic PHIX principles and algorithm, we’re now becoming a local authority on low back pain. The best part? Being a practice owner, the approach can be easily taught and effectively learned by our new grads to get the same effective result as an experience clinician, so there’s no more concerns about onboarding a new grad and worrying about all the clinical onboarding that needs to happen to get a new grad up to speed. Integrating PHIX is a great way to fast track the clinical onboarding process for your new hires.”

Dr. Taylor Day


“Prior to PHIX training I never felt confident in treating healthy active adults with chronic pain.”

“PT school teaches you to strengthen what is weak and stretch what is tight, but never what to do when that does not work. These tough cases always kept me up at night, they are consistent with their exercises, workout, and are healthy but not getting better!

Trying to teach you self to be able to treat this population is challenging and available resources are limited. Your taught about chronic pain in the unhealthy population, but school never teaches you how to help those who are healthy and in chronic pain. These patients are considered strong, healthy, and from looking at them should not have pain because they are young and healthy. Since going through the PHIX training I am now very confident in treating these patients. This new training has allowed me to be able to successfully treat a population that usually gets ignored by the medical community because they “shouldn’t have pain”. Outside of this specific population the PHIX approach also greatly help my ability to analyze and understand the root cause of my patients symptoms, gives patient long term solutions not just chase down and treat their impairments.

I took the OCS one week before starting my PHIX training and I can honestly say that I would have done the PHIX training first and saved my time and money on the OCS. The specialist exam study material is a big review or orthopedic diagnosis and “best practice” based on research, but it does not prepare you well for the complex case in front of you. Studying for the OSC helped me review orthopedic concepts, nerve pathways, special test, etc, but much of that review has not helped me as significant in my clinical practice as the PHIX approach has. I feel more confident in calling my self a orthopedic specialist after learning the PHIX approach than after completing my OCS. 

This approach is an in invaluable tool to have in your “tool box”. More than just learning the steps of the approach, this training helps retrain the way you think about the patient in front of you, allows you to be more confident in designing a treatment protocol that will benefit the patient, and helps you be able to help patients that have “failed” the traditional PT model (having been one of those patients that was “unhelpable” with PT, it is an amazing feeling to now be able to help those who are frustrated and have given up on a pain free life, as I had). I would tell anyone who as every been frustrated by chronic pain and those patients that have “tried everything” this approach will help you in becoming their last stop! Most of us got into this profession to help people be active and live a pain free life and this approach helps accomplish that goal for all patients complex or simple!  

Having everyone in our practice know and utilize this approach has been very beneficial! As a practice it allows for more effective communication and discussion about cases amongst each other.”

Dr. Tyler Slim


“My name is Tyler Slim, and I have been working with the PHIX approach for the last year and a half. “

“As a Physical Therapist who was a newer grad starting at the time, before starting with the PHIX approach, I felt like I did not have a lot of clarity or structure when going through an evaluation or dealing with complex patients. However, after learning and going through the steps of the PHIX approach, I now feel I have structure to my evaluation, and am confident in treating cases even if they are really complicated.

I think as a student, you will benefit from this and be miles ahead of your colleagues, as you can get right into the clinic with confidence that you have a strucutured approach when evaluating a patient.

What differentiates this from a hands on course is this really gets you to THINK about what to do with your hands BEFORE you do the hands on. Sometimes as a clinician I found myself mindlessly doing manual therapy without even thinking WHY I was doing it first. The PHIX approach will give you that framework to work with even in the most complicated cases, as well as thinking of the best interventions to pair with it afterward. This is an approach that I will be using for my career moving forward as a Physical Therapist!”

Contact Us For more information

If you're interested in learning more about the PHIX training program for PT business owners, get in touch today.